Grand Isle town ordinance no 1003; beach access pass
An ordinance amending Ordinance NO. 954-A, Ordinance NO. 989 & 1003 regulating the types and operation of Golf Carts and UTV on the Grand Isle Beach.
WHEREAS, the Grand Isle Beach is a major attraction for tourism on Grand Isle; and
WHEREAS, access to the beach for families and beachgoers is difficult due to the sandy condition of the beach and the distance to carry beach apparel in some areas of the beach is extremely far making it difficult to reach the areas for fishing and other activities; and
WHEREAS, elderly and disabled people need a mechanism to give them access to the beach.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Grand Isle, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana that:
Golf carts and UTVs (referred to as Carts) will be allowed on the Grand Isle Beach with the following conditions:
- 1. The operator of the Cart must be 16 years or older and carry a valid driver's license with them at all times. LA Wallet is acceptable. Insurance is recommended.
- 2. The cart will carry only the allotted passengers it is built for. No standing or hanging off of Carts.
- 3. A Cart tag must bee purchased at the cost of $75.00 per year at the police station from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The tag must be stuck on the Cart to the DRIVER'S side in the front, above the tire wheel. Tags expire on January 1st.
- Starting January 1, 2023, the price will increase to $150.00, Senior (GS) & Military discount $75.00-One permit per person.
- 4. Driving is allowed 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sundown.
- 5. Speed limit is 10 mph or less. Cart must have some type of speed detection device. Speedometer apps on the phone will be acceptable.
- 6. Only golf carts (electric/gas) and UTVs. No ATVs or 4-wheelers are allowed.
- 7. Must use one of the official Cart crossings to cross the levee. No crossing or driving on the levee where no official Cart crossings are provided.
- 8. Drivers shall drive parallel to the levee North of the Life Ring pilings & South of the Levee. Drivers shall be "driver to driver" as are cars on a roadway at all times. People may take a horizontal path to the beach to drop off their materials, supplies, ice chests, tents, and other similar equipment. Anyone who is in violation shall be subject to a first offense fine of up to $500.00 plus a mandatory court appearance.
- 9. No puiling of rafts, bodyboards, or any sport by Carts. Trailers 6x8 or smaller may be pulled. Handicapped persons will be exempt to ride on traiiers c1t officers' discretion.
- 10. Vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles shall have the right of way at a11 times. Carts entering & exiting the official crossings shall stop at the bottom of the levee and yield to all, as one would a stop sign on a cross street.
- 11. Tines must not exceed 30 inches in size & shall not have tractor-style grip. Tread shall not be: larger than 1 ¼ inch.
- 12. No Jeep-style off-road or street-legal vehicles are allowed except at officers' discretion.
- 13. Officers shall have the discretion to issue citations for any unsafe actions as well as remove tags without a refund.
- 14. The fine for violating this ordinance shall be anywhere from $200.00 to $500.00 plus a mandatory court appearance.
- 15. Tag may be revoked at any time without a refund.
This ordinance was declarecl adopted 25th day of May 2022 and becomes effective on said date.
Official Levee Crossings
tire tread
Sand Paddle
This type of tire is commonly called a paddle tire..
R4 Composite
This tractor style tread is the R4 Composite. Used mostly for hard surfaces, I have seen this style on several side-by-sides.
This aggressive AG style is used for loose mud.

Turf Style
This is a 'turf' or 'button' tire tread. This preferred tire tread offers grip without deformation